Topic: Site-related petitions, suggestions and problems, here, please
And only here (this thread), please. That includes anything related to the Forum functionality and membership but excludes everything related to Calamity's tools.
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Eiusdemmodi → Discussion → Site-related petitions, suggestions and problems, here, please
And only here (this thread), please. That includes anything related to the Forum functionality and membership but excludes everything related to Calamity's tools.
If you create an account here and don't make a single post, it's likely that it's deleted sooner or later, due to anti-spam measures. So I'd suggest not doing it unless you're going to make a post. You can use this thread (and only this thread, please) if you just want to say hello and get your account ultimately validated.
Contact address: postbackweb [@] yahoo [.] com
Please, send us an e-mail with your desired username in order to get an account. Automated registration will normally be disabled.
When trying to preview or submit a new post that has multiple links (for pictures for example) in it, I get this message:
Warning! The following errors must be corrected before your message can be posted:
Too more links in message. Allowed 1 links. Reduce number of links and post it again.
Apparently this shouldn't be a problem: … 2134#p2134
I suspect that something might be wrong with my account. Can you fix it?
Can you please post here the full message under the code instruction?
The message didn't have anything more than what was in my previous post, but I tested today as well and it seems like it doesn't happen anymore (At least when I test with "Preview reply". I haven't tested with "Submit reply" yet as I don't have any more pictures to actually post right now). Thanks for fixing it.
Eiusdemmodi → Discussion → Site-related petitions, suggestions and problems, here, please
Eiusdemmodi, 2011—2025