Topic: Super resolutions on XP

Hi guys,
a simple question:
Are "super resolution" working on XP32?

I've tried vmmaker with "dinamic table" method but sometimes it can't generate any modelines from xml (groovymame 176) except the "reslist.txt" ones.
I'd like to solve using "super resolutions" but i can read anywhere only win7 real successiful tests with them!


Re: Super resolutions on XP

For XP, you have "magic resolutions" instead, with similar results. The thing is, why XP in 2016?


Re: Super resolutions on XP

antoniomauro wrote:

Hi guys,
I've tried vmmaker with "dinamic table" method but sometimes it can't generate any modelines from xml (groovymame 176) except the "reslist.txt" ones.

Sounds like you're using a dated version of VMMaker. MAME XML format changes with time and you need updated tools. Check this.