(27 replies, posted in En español)

Hola Beaches,

genero los modelines SIN marcar los XML Y SORPRESA!!

Esto no es alquimia, tienes que entender lo que hacen las opciones si quieres tener algún control sobre los resultados.

De los logs que has pasado, el único parcialmente correcto es precisamente el primero:

PRIMER .LOG (drivers 9.3 con 2 xml marcados)

Digo parcialmente por lo que comentas de los tirones de sonido. Esto es debido a la diferencia entre el refresco original del juego y el obtenido al forzar al TV a usar 256 líneas en progresivo. Para solucionarlo, tienes dos opciones:

- Activar la opción -multithreading en mame.ini
- Forzar que se active -syncrefresh, incrementando el valor de -syncrefresh_tolerance. Por defecto es 2.0 Hz, cambia este valor a 3.5, por ejemplo.

Que se corte la imagen arriba y abajo no es problema de GroovyMAME, que se limita a hacer lo que tú le pides: sacar 256 líneas en progresivo. El problema es que no ajustas tu TV en consecuencia (menu de servicio, amplitud vertical).

Por otra parte, a tu juicio el comportamiento correcto sería este:

TERCER .LOG (drivers 6.5 sin XML marcados y funciona correctamente)

Es decir, estirar el juego a 478 entrelazado, con lo que te evitas el engorro de ajustar la amplitud vertical. Me parece perfecto, por eso la semana pasada te daba una solución para hacer precisamente eso:

(en mame.ini)

monitor custom
crt_range0 15625-16200, 49.50-65.00, 2.000, 4.700, 8.000, 0.064, 0.192, 1.024, 0, 0, 192, 240, 448, 480

Con todo, vuelve a generar los modos tal como los tenías en el primer log, para tener una tabla de resoluciones mínimamente decente.


(27 replies, posted in En español)

beaches wrote:

Ciertamente después de crear los modelines los he instalado y después te pide reiniciar para que surja efecto, tal cual lo he hecho y sigue igual.

Perdón, no recordaba que estabas en XP. Desde Windows 7 no hace falta reiniciar.

Bueno, pues pásame ese log cuando puedas a ver qué es lo que ocurre.


(27 replies, posted in En español)

beaches wrote:

pero después de reiniciar

No tienes que reiniciar. Tienes que darle al botón de "Install Modes".


(27 replies, posted in En español)

El problema es que no has configurado VMMaker para que te genere las resoluciones de MAME. En la pestaña de MAME, márcale que te liste los modos desde el XML de MAME, y que te genere el XML (esto último sólo te hará falta la primera vez, luego lo puedes desactivar porque tarda bastante).

Después de eso, tendrás que tener resoluciones del tipo 400x256, que GroovyMAME seleccionará correctamente.


(27 replies, posted in En español)

Recap wrote:

¿Tienes un televisor en una cabina? ¡! ¿No es como un poco lo peor de los dos mundos?

Yo después de mi experiencia con el Polostar, creo un televisor de los 90 de buena calidad es lo mejor que hay. Tienes la incomodidad de tener que entrar en el menú de servicio, eso sí.


(27 replies, posted in En español)

Hola beaches,

Como dice Recap, me parece raro que si varios juegos usan la misma resolución (768x512 según nos comentas), tengas distintos grados de overscan.

Me parece raro además que dkong te coja 512i, cuando este juego lo normal es que saliera en progresivo a 256p, suponiendo que tengas definida esa resolución.

En cualquier caso, y puestos a degradar la imagen, lo mejor si no quieres entrar en el modo de servicio es que limites la resolución vertical progresiva y entrelazada, así:

crt_range0 15625-16200, 49.50-65.00, 2.000, 4.700, 8.000, 0.064, 0.192, 1.024, 0, 0, 192, 240, 448, 480

De esa forma, te aseguras de que GroovyMAME siempre cogerá resoluciones "tamaño NTSC".

Por lo demás, sé que soy un coñazo, pero lo ideal es que acompañéis las consultas con un log de GroovyMAME (groovymame juego -v >juego.txt). De ahí puedo obtener prácticamente toda la información que necesito para diagnosticar un problema.


(27 replies, posted in En español)

Hola beaches,

La diferencia entre generic_15 y arcade_15 es que el segundo permite cierto margen para la frecuencia horizontal sobre 15,7 kHz. Esto sirve únicamente para lograr mayor resolución al ejecutar juegos verticales sobre monitor horizontal.

Lo ideal es que uses la opción de exportar configuración a GroovyMAME en VMMaker. En este caso, VMMaker siempre asigna la opción "monitor custom" en mame.ini, y edita el campo crt_range correspondiente a lo que tengamos en la pestaña del monitor.

Esto es así porque los presets de GroovyMAME son fijos. Si queremos que GroovyMAME procese las opciones crt_range, hay que seleccionar el preset "custom".

VMMaker utiliza el preset "custom" porque así se pueden personalizar los presets desde el programa, y exportarlos a GM, sin que al segundo le preocupe si originalmente era generic_15, arcade_15 o cualquier otra cosa.

No sé si me he explicado, estoy algo espeso.

En XP puedes usar super resoluciones con las ventajas habituales: refresco y centrado más exactos, menor lista de modos. Aun así no sé si tu tarjeta podrá con ellas, especialmente si piensas usar frame_delay.


(1 replies, posted in Support)

I'll create new updated packages for XP adding the new 2.0 tools, but still using the same 6.5/9.3 driver binaries. Current XP drivers just work.


Now I have an usable 15-kHz display, but I don't have a proper mode list yet which I can use for MAME. Back to VMMaker, and click on Edit Settings.

First I'll go to the User modes tab and browse for the "user_modes - super.ini" file. This is because I want to use "super" resolutions.

Then, in the MAME tab, I'm only going to browse to my GroovyMAME folder, but I won't be listing modes from XML by now. What I'll do is to check "Export settings to GroovyMAME", so future monitor settings will be synchronized with VMMaker.

Finally click Ok to exit from the settings dialog.


Now I'll click on Generate modes, and a list of modelines will be shown.


Then, I'll click on Install modes. The program will ask for confirmation to continue, I'll click on Accept


If everything goes fine, it will report my modelines are installed. We're done with VMMaker by now, close it.


Time to try GroovyMAME. Open a cmd box. Now something interesting: when using a HD 5xxx card or newer, there's no longer need to run GroovyMAME with administrator rights. So a regular cmd box will be fine.


Now I'll "cd" into my already configured GroovyMAME folder. Recently I've known that command-line use is regarded as arcane skills by many. I've captured the whole process in the next picture, for reference:


MAME's information screen showing Switchres used resolution. O - K - O - K





I order to plug my Sony BVM, first I need to configure my video card to output a 15-kHz signal. I'll launch VMMaker for this. If everything is ok with my installation, VMMaker will recognize the driver as CRT Emudriver.

A nice thing about the HD 5xxx and newer cards is the support of a feature called EDID emulation. By means of this feature, Windows will detect non-PC monitors, such as arcade monitors and TV sets, just like any other PC monitor, and provide native support for the required frequency ranges. The emulated EDID will provide Windows with this information, in the same way that a real PC monitor EDID does.


In order to create an emulated EDID, first I must select a monitor preset that properly represents the frequencies my monitor supports. I click on Settings, then go to Monitor settings tab and pick the "Arcade 15.7 kHz" preset.

NOTE: The "Arcade 15.7 kHz" preset is often preferable to the default "Generic 15.7 kHz" as it allows for a wider horizontal frequency range. You can just leave the default (safe) "Generic 15.7 kHz" if you're not sure.


Now I'll go to the Video card tab. First, and very important, I'll make sure to uncheck the box "Extend desktop automatically on device restart". This option is mainly aimed to legacy cards, so let's just disable it.

The EDID emulation frame and its options are enabled and selectable, what means that this feature is supported by my card. I'll go to the Output drop-down menu. Now in order to choose the right option, use this logic:

  - If your card has 2 analog outputs, the primary output is Analog_0, and the secondary is Analog_1. This applies to HD 5xxx cards.
  - If your card has 1 analog output, it will always be Analog_0. This applies to HD 6xxx and newer cards.

So, unless you're using a HD 5xxx card like me, always pick Analog_0 here.

Because I'm using a HD 5450, which has 2 analog outputs, I need to work out which option is the correct one. As a rule of thumb, for most cards released in the past few years which have both DVI-I and VGA connectors, the VGA is the secondary port. For this reason, I will pick Analog_1.

As a note, I have a HD 6450 which is externally identical to my HD 5450, with both DVI and VGA connectors. However, in this case the card has only 1 analog output, on the VGA connector, therefore Analog_0 is the right option. This confused me at the beginning because the DVI port on this card has the hole pattern of a DVI-I (digital/analog), however it's actually a DVI-D (digital-only). Beware of this.

Finally I'll click on Enable EDID emulation.


Immediately after clicking, my PC monitor goes out of sync, as a 15.6 kHz horizontal frequency is reported on its OSD.


Time to plug my BVM. Without switching the computer off, I replace the PC monitor cable by the VGA->BNC cable (black) going directly to the BVM.


Now I can safely turn the BVM on, and it will display a clear picture. There's some overscan, which I'll focus on fixing at a later stage.


Finally, let's have a look at Display->Resolution. Now Windows shows my monitor as ARCADE_15, and has automatically assigned a recommended resolution of 640x480. This resolution is provided by the emulated EDID that VMMaker just created.


That was it. Easy, isn't it?


I will start with a fresh installation of Windows 7 (this is not strictly necessary, but it will make my results fully predictable for the purpose of this guide).

- On the left, a LG SVGA monitor, that I have used all the way through the operating system installation.
- On the right, a Sony BVM-14M4DE 15 kHz-monitor, that is the target monitor I want to setup.


Initially my LG monitor is plugged to the VGA port of the HD 5450, by means of a direct VGA cable.


In Display->Resolution, I see that Windows has detected the HD 5450 just as a standard VGA adapter. This is because my Windows 7 CD does not contain proper drivers for the HD 5450, so the operating system loads a default fallback driver for basic functionality, and a standard VESA 800x600 video mode is assigned to the desktop. Besides, this fallback driver is unable to retrieve the EDID information from my LG monitor, so it just shows as Generic PnP Monitor.


Now I'll open the folder with the CRT Emudriver files, and I'll launch Setup. The installer dialog shows one compatible device, that is already checked. My video card appears as Standard VGA Graphics Adapter. I'll click on Install driver.


The installer will ask me to enable TESTSIGNING. This step is required in order to run modified drivers. I'll click on Accept. Now the installer will ask me to restart the system so TESTSIGNING is applied. It will prompt an error saying it can't continue installation. So I'll RESTART.


After restart, I notice there's a watermark saying Test Mode on the right bottom corner of the desktop. Now we can proceed with the installation.


I launch Setup again and click on Install driver. Now the installer asks me to add "Calamity" as a trusted publisher. This is required so Windows will accept my signature and allow modified drivers to be actually loaded during boot. I click on Accept.


The driver installation begins...


After a minute, the installer says the drivers got installed succesfully.


Now my card is shown as Ati Radeon HD 5450, and the driver name is CRT Emudriver. Windows now asks me to restart the system. I'll RESTART.

NOTE: A restart is always required when switching from the Standard VGA fallback driver to a normal WDDM driver and vice versa. When switching between different WDDM drivers (e.g. when updating an existing Ati/AMD driver with CRT Emudriver) Windows usually can load the new driver without restarting.


After the restart, I notice that the desktop resolution has changed.


In fact going to Display->Resolution shows that the new resolution is 1024x768. This is because once the correct drivers are loaded, Windows can read my LG's EDID, which reports this resolution as its recommended settings. Besides, its name "StudioWorks77M" is now properly shown.


CRT Emudriver is installed. We're ready to go on.

NOTE: If you're using a card that's already been flashed with ATOM-15, you'll be able to do the whole installation process directly on your 15-kHz monitor. However, at this point of the guide (first restart after driver's installation), you'll have an out of range picture. This is because upon driver's first load, it will select a default resolution that's non-15kHz. You'll need to resort to hot-plug a regular PC monitor in order to proceed.

This is a step-by-step guide to help new users with the task of installing CRT Emudriver 2.0 for ATI/AMD HD 5xxx cards and newer. For legacy cards (pre-HD 5xxx), check this guide.

The goal of this setup is to connect a 15-kHz monitor using the VGA output of a HD 5450 video card. The system will be configured to use super resolutions.


STEP 1 - Installing the driver
STEP 2 - Enabling EDID emulation
STEP 3 - Setting MAME up


(15 replies, posted in En español)

Ja ja tranquilo, que esto es así.

No hace falta que te bajes el romset completo, si ya tienes la 0.167 prácticamente todo te va a funcionar con la 0.169.


(15 replies, posted in En español)

Nickelo, casi me matas del susto, hombre de Dios... cuando he visto que te salían los modos a 120 Hz...

Tienes que usar GroovyMAME versión 0.169, basado en Switchres 0.015l. Las versiones antiguas no están preparadas para los nuevos drivers.


(15 replies, posted in En español)


Cuando usas "super" resoluciones, tienes que poner -resolution 2560x0, y -cleanstretch 2.

Si has puesto estas dos opciones, no deberías tener problemas. Créate un log ejecutando GM desde la consola, así:

groovymame.exe juego -v >juego.txt

Luego abres juego.txt y compruebas qué resolución está utilizando. Lo mejor es que pegues el log aquí, lo vemos y comentamos.


(15 replies, posted in En español)

Bájate la versión que he subido hoy.


(15 replies, posted in En español)

Es raro que fuera de Windows tengas un problema de detección de monitor, pero en fin, ya me lo creo todo. En mis pruebas, con las HD 5000+, puedo emular un EDID con VMMaker y se solucionan todos los problemas de detección... pero claro, me refiero a dentro de Windows.


(15 replies, posted in En español)

Hola nickelo, y bienvenido.

Yo tengo esa misma tarjeta de la foto y va perfecta. Te recomiendo que la pongas en marcha sin ATOM-15, y una vez lo tengas todo rodando la flashees.

Mira bien a ver qué pasa, que tiene que ser un problema tonto. Yo tengo un CRT de PC para las pruebas, me gusta más que el LCD. Si usas un LCD, no hay problema pero asegúrate de conectarlo mediante un cable VGA, da igual si usas la salida DVI o VGA de la tarjeta, pero eso sí, asegúrate que conectas el LCD mediante un cable analógico (VGA).

Si en el LCD tienes vídeo por el cable VGA, sin apagar el PC cambia el cable al arcade y tienen que salir rayas sí o sí, si te sale negro es que hay algún otro problema entre el PC y el monitor.


-- Placeholder --


I assume you already have GroovyMAME into a folder, with its mame.ini properly generated and correct rom paths.

Let's launch VMMaker again. The first thing I need to do uncheck "Extend desktop automatically on device restart". I don't want VMMaker to accidentaly extend the desktop again after what I've gone through.


Now let's install super resolutions. We do that in the "User modes" tab, browsing to the "user_modes_super.ini" file.

Click Ok to apply changes.


Click on Generate modes.


Click on Install modes.



Let's try GroovyMAME. Open a cmd box with Administrator rights. GroovyMAME requires administrator rights for updating video timings when using legacy cards.


mame64 toki


It's lame to remove the information screens.





In the previous step I ended up with a fully working extended desktop, which is totally fine if what I wanted was to keep both monitors attached all the time. But because my aim is to get rid of the PC monitor, I need to figure out a way to unplug it without leaving my setup in an unusable state. Follow me close here, this is the trickiest part.

First, go to Display->Screen Resolution, select the monitor number 2, and click on "Make this my main display".


Click on Apply, and after a second the desktop will show up on the TV screen. The dialog will still be placed on the PC monitor, so drag and drop it on the TV.


Now that we have the good stuff on the TV, it's time to remove the desktop from the PC monitor. Still in Display->Screen Resolution I go to the "Multiple displays" pull-down menu and select "Show desktop only on 2". Click Apply.

The PC screen will turn black, and so will do its icon in the display dialog.


Let's unplug the PC monitor. Now only the TV is connected.


This step is vital. I must force Windows to detect the new situation, and memorize it. And I want it to happen now when I have the control, not later at boot time. To do this, click on Detect.


OOPS! The main desktop is gone! I'm back on the secondary desktop. Don't panic.


I know that the main desktop must be on the other output. So I simply remove the cable from the VGA and plug the *same* cable in the DVI-I port.


There it is. Now, pay attention for a moment to what's displayed in the dialog. Remind I had clicked on Detect? Because of the forced monitor detection feature, now I see two monitors detected, but this time instead of my LG, I have two "Generic non-PnP monitor" displays.

The interesting part is that both monitors have been set to 768x512. Why? Because this is the highest resolution available in the mode list we previously installed with VMMaker. When Windows detects a new display configuration, it automatically tries to make the best arrangement, and by best it assumes the higher resolution. You see why we must not install super resolutions at the
beginning: if we do, Windows would now have chosen 2560 x whatever and our display layout would be screwed.


Ok, I'm about to turn one of the desktops off, but I'm a bit confused as to which one represents now the DVI-I output (the one I want off). I click on Identify, and I see a big "1". Because I want to have the cable on the VGA output, this means that it's monitor 2 the one I want to preserve.


We've nearly there. I go back to the "Multiple displays" pull-down menu and select "Show desktop only on 2". Before clicking Apply, make sure to read the few next steps below because you have to be FAST, you'll only have a few seconds to do the job.

Click Apply.


Now, fast, fast, fast, switch the cable back to the VGA output.


You'll see the dialog asking if you want to keep changes. Click on Keep changes. Click Accept.

We got it. Now RESTART the system, not strictly necessary, but it'll be a good check that our settings are persistent after boot.



In the previous steps, I noticed that the fake screen number 2 resolution is 1024x768. This resolution is certainly out of range for my TV. Even if I managed to set a resolution like 640x480, its frequency would be 31 kHz, the driver's default.

I order to plug my TV, first I need to create some video modes with the right frequency (15 kHz). I'll launch VMMaker for this. If everything is ok with my installation, VMMaker will recognize the driver and be ready to add modes.

I click on the Settings icon.

In the Monitor settings tab, I check that the "Generic 15kHz" preset is selected. This will be good enough by now, I'll have time to tune it when everything is up and running.

Then I go to the User modes tab. I make sure that default "user_modes.ini" file is selected. It is important not to use super resolutions until yo have your monitor properly configured.

In the MAME tab, I'm only going to browse to my GroovyMAME folder, but I won't be listing modes from XML by now. What I'll do is to check "Export settings to GroovyMAME", so future monitor settings will be synchronized with VMMaker.


In the Video card tab, I'll make sure that "Extend desktop automatically on display restart" is checked. This is important: it will extend the desktop at the time the modes are installed, and force 640x480 on the secondary display.

Click OK to accept these settings.


Now back on the main dialog, I click on Generate modes. A mode list will be generated in an instant.


Finally, I click on Install modes. It will ask me if I'm sure, I'll answer yes. Now the system will get frozen during a few seconds, while the video card is restarted. The screen will go off too for an instant. Once back, if everything went fine, the new modes will be ready.


I check in Display->Resolution, and make sure the resolution has been set to 640x480, on monitor 2.


Time to plug the VGA cable that goes to the UMSA in the VGA port (black cable).


I switch my Sony on, an there it is: I have a clear picture on it.



I will start with a fresh installation of Windows 7 (this is not strictly necessary, but it will make my results fully predictable for the purpose of this guide).

- On the left, a LG SVGA monitor, that I have used all the way through the operating system installation.
- On the right, a Sony KV-M1420E TV, that is the target monitor I want to setup.


Initially my LG monitor is plugged to the DVI-I port of the HD 4350, by means of DVI-VGA adapter.


In Display->Resolution, I check that Windows has detected my LG monitor as StudioWorks77M. Windows gets this information from the monitor's EDID.


Now I'll open the folder with the CRT Emudriver files, and I'll launch Setup. The installer dialog shows one compatible device, that is already checked. My video card appears as ATI Radeon HD 4350, by Microsoft Corporation, which means that this driver was shipped with the Windows 7 CD. I won't uninstall this driver. Instead, I'll click on Install driver.


The installer will ask me to enable TESTSIGNING. This step is required in order to run modified drivers. I'll click on Accept. Now the installer will ask me to restart the system so TESTSIGNING is applied. It will prompt an error saying it can't continue installation. So I'll RESTART.


After restart, I notice there's a watermark saying Test Mode on the right bottom corner of the desktop. Now we can proceed with the installation.


I launch Setup again and click on Install driver. Now the installer asks me to add "Calamity" as a trusted publisher. This is required so Windows accepts my signature and allows modified drivers to be actually loaded during boot. I click on Accept.


The driver installation begins, the screen goes on and off a few times while the new files are loaded. After a minute, the installer says the drivers got installed succesfully.


Now my card is shown as Ati Radeon HD 4300/4500 Series, and the driver name is CRT Emudriver.


Let's check Display->Resolution. Windows has found a second monitor in my system. This is due to CRT Emudriver's forced monitor detection feature.


I click on the screen number 2 icon and see that Windows shows this phantom screen as "Generic non-PnP monitor". This name means that although we have forced Windows into detecting  a monitor on the VGA port, no EDID has been read from that port, so the monitor type is unknown.


This is a step-by-step guide to help new users with the task of installing CRT Emudriver 2.0 for legacy cards (pre-HD 5xxx). For HD 5xxx and newer cards, check this guide.

The goal of this setup is to connect a TV using the VGA output of a HD 4350 video card. The system will be configured to use super resolutions.


STEP 1 - Installing the driver
STEP 2 - Creating video modes
STEP 3 - (The adventure of) Unplugging the PC monitor
STEP 4 - Setting MAME up

CRT Emudriver 2.0 - beta 15

Installation guides:

IMPORTANT NOTE: CRT Emudriver 2.0 is not installed in the same way as older 1.x versions.  Depending on your video card, please follow the appropriate guide from the ones below, in order to succeed:

- Installing CRT Emudriver 2.0 - HD 4350 (for legacy cards) - Windows 7/8/10 - super resolutions
- Installing CRT Emudriver 2.0 - HD 5450 (HD 5000+ cards) - Windows 7/8/10 - super resolutions

Windows XP users: check CRT Emudriver 1.2b


Please choose the right download for your GPU, test and report any issues:

- Download CRT Emudriver & CRT Tools 2.0 beta 15 (Catalyst 12.6) for Windows 7/8/10 64-bits

                 Desktop: AMD Radeon™ HD 2000, HD 3000, HD 4000 series

- Download CRT Emudriver & CRT Tools 2.0 beta 15 (Crimson 16.2.1 non-GCN* cards) for Windows 7/8/10 64-bits

                Desktop: AMD Radeon™ HD 5000, HD 6000 Series, HD 7000-7600, HD 8000-8400 Series
                              AMD Radeon™ R5 235X, R5 235, R5 230, R5 220 Series
             All-in-One: AMD Radeon™ HD 6350A, HD 6600A, HD 7450A, HD 7600A Series
                      APU: AMD Radeon™ HD 6000D, HD 7000D, HD 8000D, HD 6000G, HD 7000G, HD 8000G Series
                Mobility: AMD Radeon™ HD 5000M, HD 6000M Series

- Download CRT Emudriver & CRT Tools 2.0 beta 15 (Crimson 16.2.1 for GCN* cards) for Windows 7/8/10 64-bits

               Desktop: AMD Radeon™ HD 7700-7900, HD 8500-8900 Series
                             AMD Radeon™ R7 200, R7 300, R9 200, R9 300, R9 Nano, R9 Fury Series
                     APU: AMD A-Series APUs with Radeon™ R4, R5, R6, or R7 Graphics   
                             AMD Pro A-Series APUs with Radeon™ R5 or R7 Graphics   
                             AMD Athlon™ Series APUs with Radeon™ R3 Graphics   
                             AMD Sempron™ Series APUs with Radeon™ R3 Graphics   
                             AMD A-Series APUs with Radeon™ R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, or R8 Graphics
                             AMD Pro A-Series APUs with Radeon™ R5, R6, or R7 Graphics
                             AMD FX-Series APUs with Radeon™ R7 Graphics
                             AMD E-Series APUs with Radeon™ R2 Graphics
                             AMD Radeon™ HD 8180 - HD 8400 Series Graphics
               Mobility: AMD Radeon™ R9 M300, R7 M300, R9 M200, R7 M200, R5 M200 Series           
                             AMD Radeon™ HD 7700M-7900M, HD 8500M-8900M Series

- Download CRT Emudriver & CRT Tools 2.0 beta 15 (Adrenalin 18.5.1 for GCN* cards) for Windows 7/8 64-bits

- Download CRT Emudriver & CRT Tools 2.0 beta 15 (Adrenalin 18.5.1 for GCN* cards) for Windows 10 64-bits

                   Desktop: Radeon RX Vega Series Graphics
                                 Radeon™ RX 500 Series Graphics
                                 Radeon™ RX 400 Series Graphics
                                 AMD Radeon™ Pro Duo
                                 AMD Radeon™ R7 300 Series Graphics
                                 AMD Radeon™ R7 200 Series Graphics
                                 AMD Radeon™ R9 Fury Series Graphics
                                 AMD Radeon™ R5 300 Series Graphics
                                 AMD Radeon™ R9 Nano Series Graphics
                                 AMD Radeon™ R5 200 Series Graphics
                                 AMD Radeon™ R9 300 Series Graphics
                                 AMD Radeon™ HD 8500 - HD 8900 Series Graphics
                                 AMD Radeon™ R9 200 Series Graphics
                                 AMD Radeon™ HD 7700 - HD 7900 Series Graphics
                      Ryzen: AMD Ryzen 5 2400G
                                 AMD Ryzen 3 2200G
                   Mobility: AMD Radeon™ R9 M300 Series Graphics
                                 AMD Radeon™ R7 M200 Series Graphics
                                 AMD Radeon™ R7 M300 Series Graphics
                                 AMD Radeon™ R5 M200 Series Graphics
                                 AMD Radeon™ R5 M300 Series Graphics
                                 AMD Radeon™ HD 8500M - HD 8900M Series Graphics
                                 AMD Radeon™ R9 M200 Series Graphics
                                 AMD Radeon™ HD 7700M - HD 7900M Series Graphics
                        APU: AMD A-Series APUs with Radeon™ R4, R5, R6, or R7 Graphics
                                 AMD A-Series APUs with Radeon™ R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, or R8 Graphics
                                 AMD Pro A-Series APUs with Radeon™ R5 or R7 Graphics
                                 AMD Pro A-Series APUs with Radeon™ R5, R6, or R7 Graphics
                                 AMD Athlon™ Series APUs with Radeon™ R3 Graphics
                                 AMD FX-Series APUs with Radeon™ R7 Graphics
                                 AMD Sempron™ Series APUs with Radeon™ R3 Graphics
                                 AMD E-Series APUs with Radeon™ R2 Graphics
                                 AMD Radeon™ HD 8180 - HD 8400 Series Graphics

- Download CRT Tools 2.0 beta 15 (VMMaker & Arcade OSD)

- Download Radeon Settings 16.2.1 control panel

- Download Radeon Settings 18.5.1 control panel

- Older versions of CRT Emudriver & Tools repository.

*GCN = Graphics Core Next



- Be aware that newer GPUs don't have analog outputs. You can get 15 kHz support out of their HDMI ports, by means of a HDMI to VGA active adapter. However, video modes using low dotclocks will probably not work. Using super resolutions is the recommended solution.

- For cards supported by several versions, the most recent one is recommended.

- The standalone CRT Tools package may be used with previous versions of CRT Emudriver, both for Windows XP and Windows 7/8. Just make sure to generate a fresh video mode list using the new tools.