(68 replies, posted in En español)

Me duele decir esto, pero ya pronostiqué que mucha gente volvería al XP con el rabo entre las piernas, después de tanto machacar con el soporte para W7.

En cualquier caso... El problema que estás teniendo es por la detección del monitor arcade. Tienes que usar la salida primaria de la tarjeta, seguramente será DVI. Una vez lo hagas, Windows no se quedará "negro".


(18 replies, posted in En español)

Pero en el mame.ini si cambio el monitor generic-15 por Custom me de error el mame. Si lo dejo en generic-15 el mame no me da error. Y eso que en el VMMaker.ini lo tengo como "custom".

Si utilizas "monitor custom" en mame.ini tienes que editar las líneas "crt_range", que son parecidas a las "monitor_specs" de vmmaker.ini pero no son compatibles. Hay un hilo en el foro de BYOAC llamado "Monitor presets" donde se explican las diferencias. Te recomiendo que dejes "generic_15" o "arcade_15" en mame.ini. Y Vmmaker lo dejes tal cual con "custom".

Y por último el archivo 0154_groovymame_015b.diff para que sirve exactamente? es indispensable?

Sirve para compilar GroovyMAME a partir del código fuente de MAME.

Pero al intentar hacer funcionar el ATI Winflash para sacar mi bios, el programa me pide que el escritorio debe de estar mínimo a 800x600.

Vaya chapuceros los del ATI Winflash. Pues tienes varias opciones: enchufa un monitor de PC y trabaja con él durante flasheo, o pincha la tarjeta en otro PC con drivers normales, o usa el programa ATI Flash para MS-DOS, siguiendo las instrucciones del tutorial. Evidentemente, ejecutar el proceso de flasheo usando un monitor arcade plantea dificultades, como es lógico, y no es conveniente hacerlo si no sabes cómo afrontarlas (que tampoco es tan difícil).


(9 replies, posted in Support)

bisus wrote:

Calamity is the of going to boot directly in 15khz or there still will be a short off frequency till Windows loads up ?

You will get 15 KHz (or whatever you choose) right from the BIOS post to the point where Windows (or Linux) video drivers load up.


(4 replies, posted in Discussion)

When you look at those samples, the first reaction is "wow": the shadow mask effect is very good, it does look like a *photograph* taken from a real CRT. However, you soon start realizing that the color gradients are not what they should be, everything looks like being painted with flat color patches. It is more obvious where highlights are supposed to exist.

You can't simply achieve the required contrast with this type of screen. Even if the LCD is overall much brighter than a CRT, using any sort of filter only makes the picture darker. To compensate for the darkness introduced by the fake mask, you need to overdrive the video signal, ruining the hues. By comparison, a CRT is mostly a black surface, with little holes from where the light comes out. But the brightness of these holes is much, much higher than what you can simulate with an LCD. I'd say this is where much of the problem lies. For some reason the result is much richer to the eye on a CRT.

I've been always amazed on the realistical look of textures like metals, explosions, skin, etc. obtained from a very crude palette when seen on a proper CRT, and the very particular aesthetics that results from this. I'm afraid this is the spark of life that is lost when you see the same games on an LCD, whatever filters you use.


(18 replies, posted in En español)

Niko30 wrote:

por consiguiente que me recomiendas?

Te recomiendo que hagas lo que todos, que leas, te documentes, experimentes, y una vez lo hagas y te queden dudas concretas, nos las preguntes.

Las instrucciones para usar "super" resoluciones las tienes en "ReslList - super.txt". No necesitas más. En la documentación de Atom-15 tienes un enlace a un tutorial de flasheado de tarjetas.

Acepta el hecho de que si configuras un sistema dedicado a emulación avanzada, puede que tengas problemas con los juegos modernos, etc. La culpa es de los programadores de estos juegos, que son demasiado perezosos y no incorporan las más básicas opciones de configuración. Como contra la pereza humana poco podemos hacer, lo mejor es que experimentes y si encuentras una solución para un juego concreto la compartas con nosotros.


(18 replies, posted in En español)

Aquí hay un tutorial muy bueno en español, pero ojo, es para XP y resoluciones "mágicas":


El preset que viene por defecto ("CUSTOM") será suficiente para tu TV, con bastante probabilidad.

Lo máximo que podrás poner a 15 kHz es 800x600 a 50 Hz. Correr los juegos a 50 Hz es una caca, advertido quedas.

Sobre ATOM-15, lo peligroso es lo que he puesto en mayúsculas y color rojo. Simplemente, asegúrate de que sabes devolver una tarjeta mal flasheada a su estado original, en caso de que las cosas vayan mal.


(18 replies, posted in En español)

Hola Niko, intentaré contestar tu interrogatorio.

Los drivers es fundamental que los instales como administrador. Si tienes la UAC activada, Windows te pedirá confirmación para ejecutar la instalación, con lo que ya estarías dándole permisos. Por contra, VMM requiere que explícitamente lo ejecutes como administrador.

Las "super" resoluciones son efectivamente las 2560x. Si quieres que MAME use las "super" resoluciones, necesitas una versión que las soporte. Sólo las últimas versiones de GroovyMAME lo hacen.

Windows 7 reporta los modos de vídeo entrelazados con la mitad del refresco. Es decir, 60i Hz te dirá que son 30 Hz. No hagas caso.

En vez de buscar una versión de GroovyMAME compatible con tu romset, lo que tienes que hacer es usar siempre la última versión de GroovyMAME y actualizar tu romset. Hazme caso en esto, te ahorrarás muchos problemas. Con más motivo si quieres usar "super" resoluciones. De todos modos aquí todas las versiones que se han ido publicando:

https://drive.google.com/#folders/0B5iM … VNkVW5jbEE

La prueba más evidente de estar utilizando "resoluciones nativas" es que los juegos se verán como Dios manda. Si sabes cómo han de verse los juegos, entonces no habrá duda posible. Ten en cuenta que el término "resoluciones nativas" es engañoso, puesto que si vas a usar "super" resoluciones, no estarás usando la resolución nativa, sino una que te genera una salida de vídeo que replica exactamente la original.

En ReslList.txt puedes poner las resoluciones que necesites. Lo que ocurre es que según el preset de monitor que escojas, algunas de ellas puede que no se puedan crear.


(3 replies, posted in Support)

I haven't tested any Mega-CD games, I don't have CD based games for any system currently. But I will try when I have the chance. You're totally right about Fusion, by the way.

I really need a log for troubleshooting GM issues (too many variables involved).


(3 replies, posted in Support)

Hi EvilDindon,

The modes you need for the Megadrive are already in the original ReslList.txt file, just copy and paste those into the "super" version for the file. Then run VMM. Fusion will use those modes without problems, make sure to use enable the "Advanced options". I've no experience with Kat5200, but it will likely work in a similar way.

I currently use GroovyUME for the Megadrive and it works really well, it will switch resolutions dynamically for the games requiring it. Even from progressive to interlaced, as Sonic II does.


(2 replies, posted in En español)

Ojalá Remius Fox, qué más quisiera yo. Pero de momento la cosa está oscurilla tirando a negro. Y las HD 4xxx a precio de derribo en ebay.


(2 replies, posted in Support)

Hi Gurbz,

That sounds like a problem with the drivers installation. Please confirm the following: run "dxdiag" from the command promt, go into the screen tab and check that both DirectDraw and Direct3D hardware acceleration are enabled. If either one is disabled, try reinstalling the driver until this gets fixed. Depending on the XP distribution you may need to manually remove the already shipped ATI drivers from the device manager.


(2 replies, posted in En español)

Hola LeT,

Prueba los nuevos drivers, llevan incluidos muchos identificadores PCI que faltaban en las versiones anteriores. Seguramente ahora sí que reconozcan tu tarjeta.

Si usas MS-DOS tal cual, la tarjeta emitirá a 15-kHz desde el principio hasta el final.

El ARCADOS de Bubu creo que carga un controlador en el arranque que se hace cargo de emitir a 15-kHz. Dudo que Advance Menu/MAME sea 100% compatible con las HD 4xxx, pero a saber.


(9 replies, posted in Support)

VMM has generated 8 modelines this time.

You're definitely not configuring it right, either make it point to the XML source (your mame.exe) or replace the ReslList.txt contents with something of your own. Basically you need a 512-line resolution and you don't have one right now.

And... make sure to read the documentation:
http://geedorah.com/eiusdemmodi/forum/v … d=327#p327


(9 replies, posted in Support)

Hi Thamiel,

You don't have a single custom resolution available in your system. Have you successfully run VMM or did it prompt any error?


(9 replies, posted in Support)

Hello Calamity, for the question asked here, is it preferred to be asked on this forum, or the BYOAC Groovymame forum? or.. does it not matter and you are happy either way?

I'd rather keep GM stuff in BYOAC, for historical reasons and because troubleshooting is based on logs posting and this forum won't support attachments. However many questions regarding VMM and AOSD are also about GM so I suppose it's ok to post them either here or there. I only suggest that when posting logs you use the code tag so the threads remain readable.


(9 replies, posted in Support)

It won't work for the X600, the program will refuse to patch it.


(1 replies, posted in Support)

Hi jadder,

When testing all this we found it worked great for some of us but it was totally messed for others. Back then most of us where still using DirectDraw. I had been testing all this with an X300 and it worked fine for me. But for people with HD 4xxx cards and the same drivers the picture was totally shifted. Finally it turned out that enabling Direct3D just worked fine for all cards.

Magic resolutions are a hack, at the time I didn't understand why they worked. Now I believe it works thanks to the unofficial virtual desktop feature in ATI drivers, you know the panning desktop where the logical resolution is higher than the physical one. In fact if I remind right you could solve the DirectDraw issue by moving your mouse so the picture would center properly, obviously not very convenient for a cabinet. Windows 7 specifically forbade panning desktop, that's probably why this doesn't work anymore.


(9 replies, posted in Support)

All those games have in common that they're 256-line tall. Check which resolution is being picked by GM and *why*. To find out the why you need to create a log of the game (groovymame.exe -v romname >romname.txt).


(18 replies, posted in En español)

Hola Niko30,

(Te he borrado el otro post porque estaba duplicado).

Veo que tienes un poco de lío con los conceptos. ATOM-15 sólo modifica la BIOS, no tiene nada que ver con los drivers, ni con ningún sistema operativo. Puedes instalar los drivers para Windows 7 con o sin ATOM-15, el cual sólo sirve para poder ver el arranque a 15 kHz. Puedes utilizar ATOM-15 con tarjetas que no están soportadas todavía por CRT Emudriver (HD 5xxx, HD 6xxx). Pero si la tarjeta no está soportada por CRT Emudriver, de nada te servirá usar ATOM-15, porque dentro de Windows no funcionará a 15 kHz. Con Linux sí que puedes beneficiarte de ATOM-15 y tarjetas más modernas. Tú tarjeta por suerte es una HD 4xxx que sí que está soportada por los drivers de Windows 7. La modificación de la BIOS es totalmente reversible. Los drivers ya no son "beta", pero eso no significa nada, simplemente que ya los ha probado mucha gente.

Espero haberte aclarado algo.


(9 replies, posted in Support)

Hi bisus,

I've tested this successfully with HD 5450 and HD 6450. Unfortunately inside Windows we're still stuck with HD 4xxx if we want custom video, so flashing newer cards is not useful yet. With Linux you can use HD 5xxx and HD 6xxx with no issues.


(9 replies, posted in Support)

Important: a critical bug affecting older Radeon cards (the X series at least) has been found and fixed. There's a new version 1.1. Please make sure to update and DO NOT flash the X series with the old version! Users of HD models don't need to worry, it's just a problem related to older models.


(16 replies, posted in Discussion)

I believe Recap doesn't have plans to use a cabinet, but a normal PC instead connected to a CRT TV. In his situation I believe the QMC2 frontend would be the best option: http://qmc2.arcadehits.net/wordpress/

But have no experience myself with that one.


(2 replies, posted in Discussion)

Hi cools,

Thanks a lot for the sharing your settings, I may add these to Appendix B of the Video Mode Maker documentation.

I've also found that only having 2560x480@60 and 2560x512@57 listed means that games running at the lower refresh rate (terraf is 320x240@57) will pick the higher resolution and not display as tall as they can

Well, this definitely shoudn't happen, and is due to the exiting scoring bug in GroovyMAME when using super resolutions. GroovyMAME should be smart enough to know that it can do that refresh at 480p, but because cleanstretch 2 is being used it simply goes for the higher vertical resolution in the belief that it's good for you.

Once this is fixed, you will be able to actually optimize your mode list to just two super resolutions. By the way, XP drivers have been fixed too removing their internal timings cache with this in mind, because previously it was required to fill them up with 17 video modes in order have dynamic modelines. Now this just works with any number of modelines defined.


(4 replies, posted in Support)

Hi EvilDindon,

Glad to see that it worked!

Regarding super resolutions and their use with emulators other than GroovyMAME/UME, well they certainly won't work. But nothing prevents you from using a mixed mode table, with super resolutions and normal resolutions for other emulators. Just add both to the ReslList.txt file, setting ModeTableMethod_Custom = 0 as usual.