Some notes about the new composite sync feature

- Just like any other feature, composite sync support can be enabled independently for boot time (BIOS mod with ATOM-15) and for Windows (with VMMaker).

- In order to enable composite sync right from boot, you have to check the corresponding option in ATOM-15 and flash your video card with the modified BIOS. Composite sync will be applied to all available outputs, so that's something you may need to consider depending on your setup.

- Regarding Windows, first of all, an important warning: enabling composite sync may be a tricky business. Even if you know what you're doing chances are you get into a messed video state at some point in the process. Once you get everything right it should work fine forever, you just need to get there. I recommend to always work with two monitors during the process and only enable composite sync on the secondary monitor (the one you're not working with) so in case anything goes wrong you don't get an unusable display. If anything goes wrong and you can't find your way around a messed display, you can boot in safe mode and uninstall the driver.

- There's a new button in VMMaker's video card tab that allows you to toggle composite sync for the currently selected output.

- Again, HD 5000+ cards are easier to setup for composite sync than legacy ones. Just enable composite sync for the selected output, create the modes and you're done.

- Legacy (pre HD 5000 cards) need some extra steps in order to get correct composite sync:

    · First, to get consistent composite sync behaviour for legacy cards you must update CRT Emudriver (based on 12.6) to the new beta 12 version (this is not required for HD 5000+ cards).

    · You must set both H and V sync polarities to positive for all modes. So after enabling composite sync, you must generate and install all modes again, but first you need to go to the monitor tab to edit your selected monitor preset and modify it with the proper polarities, e.g.:

        monitor "arcade_15", "Arcade 15.7 kHz - standard resolution", "4:3"
                crt_range0 15625-16200, 49.50-65.00, 2.000, 4.700, 8.000, 0.064, 0.192, 1.024, 1, 1, 192, 288, 448, 576

    · Finally, still in VMMaker make sure to mark "Export settings to GroovyMAME" in MAME's tab so the correct polarities are used by GroovyMAME.

- If you're using an VGA to BNC cable, remind that composite sync is ouput through the h-sync cable, so if you're using a T connector, unplug the v-sync cable.

Are you using latest version of ATOM-15?


(5 replies, posted in Support)

It sounds like a bandwith limit. I believe older HDMI spec does not allow such high resolution. You used to require a dual-link dvi cable to go above 1920x1080.

It's perfectly fine to use a Nvidia card along with the ATI. It may make things easier as you can't install two different versions of Catalyst, in case this was required by your new GPU.


(5 replies, posted in Support)

Have you enabled "extended desktop" from Windows' screen setup dialog?


(5 replies, posted in Support)

It's perfectly possible. Display detection might fail if you accidentaly enabled EDID emulation at the wrong output. But I'd say that's not possible with the HD 5450 which has only one analog output. Have you tested that screen on another computer?

W i n d o w s    I n t e r l a c e    P a t c h e r    v 1 . 1    -    F o r    W i n d o w s    7 / 8 / 8 . 1 / 10


*Test Mode is required as long as patched drivers are in use. This tool patches a system kernel driver, thus Test Mode is required, otherwise your system won't boot. The only side effect of Test Mode is a watermark on the right lower corner of your desktop. Well, that, and possibly a reduced security against rootkit viruses and such. If you're using this tool you're assumed to be a competent user. DO NOT attempt to disable Test Mode manually after patching your system or you're guaranteed to end up in a BSOD loop on restart. However, it's safe to disable Test Mode once you unpatch your system.

W i n d o w s    I n t e r l a c e    P a t c h e r    v 1 . 1   d o w n l o a d

Download Windows Interlace Patcher v1.1

O v e r v i e w

Windows Interlace Patcher is an experimental tool designed to fix an issue that exists in all versions of Windows (probably since Vista) affecting interlaced video modes.

The most notable effect of this issue is applications (e.g. emulators) running at halved speed when an interlaced video mode is in use and v-sync is enabled. Another typical effect is Windows desktop animations looking choppy.

This issue doesn't affect all systems however. It seems to be dependent of your particular hardware configuration. Systems with AMD pre HD-5000 video cards are known to always suffer from this issue. On the other hand, AMD HD-5000 and newer video cards are seemingly free of problems, although there is some evidence of slowdown issues with apps that run in non-exclusive full screen mode (thus affected by desktop compositing).

Therefore, it's up to you to decide whether your system is affected and so it's worth to use this software.

There have been previous workarounds to this issue, namely:

- Using positive sync polarity (pre HD-5000 cards). This magically fixes all problems, but you need an external sync converter (e.g. UMSA), as all TV sets and most arcade monitors expect negative sync.

- Disabling desktop compositing. This fixes choppy Windows animations and slowdowns on non-exclusive full screen apps. But v-synced full screen apps are still affected.

- Using direct v-sync (i.e. frame delay) in GroovyMAME. This works but it's specific to GroovyMAME. Besides it can cause static tearing for older cards, exactly those which are affected: pre HD-5000 ones.

- Using Windows XP.

This is the first fix that attempts to cover all situations.

It's important to note that this is actually a Windows issue. It is not a bug in AMD's or anyone else's drivers. We need to patch Windows itself in order to fix it. Specifically, the culprit file is dxgmms1.sys.

This tool is not part of CRT Emudriver. It can be used with or without CRT Emudriver, and is not targeted specifically at AMD cards.

This tool doesn't fix the issue with interlaced modes being reported with a halved refresh by the operating system.

U s a g e

Windows Interlace Patcher is quite simple to use. Just launch the app, and click OK when the warning message is shown.

If your kernel version is known by the patcher, it'll show a message like this:
"Version 6.3.9600.18662 found! Do you want to patch your system?"

Click OK.

Now, in case your system is not in Test Mode yet (if you're using CRT Emudriver, it'll certainly be already enabled), you'll be prompted with a request to enable to enable "TESTSIGNING".

Click OK, reboot and you're done.

If you ever want to revert the patch, just run the installer again. It will prompt:
"Your system is already patched. Do you want to revert the patch?

Again, click OK and restart your system.

If your particular kernel version is unknown to the program, it will prompt:
"Binary version not supported."

If this was the case, please send the dxgmms1.sys file you'll find in your Windows directory (x:\windows\system32\drivers), to calamity15khz at gmail dot com. Hopefully it will be added to a future version of the program.

A c k n o w l e d g e m e n t s

Special thanks to Haynor666 from BYOAC for helping me testing this tool in lots of Windows versions.

Hola metwar,

En src\osd\modules\render\drawd3d.cpp, comenta las siguientes líneas:

        osd_printf_error("Direct3D Error: Your graphics card does not fully support non-power-of-two\n");
        success = false;

    if (caps.TextureCaps & D3DPTEXTURECAPS_POW2)
        osd_printf_error("Direct3D Error: Your graphics card does not support non-power-of-two textures.\n");
        success = false;
    if (caps.TextureCaps & D3DPTEXTURECAPS_SQUAREONLY)
        osd_printf_error("Direct3D Error: Your graphics card does not support non-square textures.\n");
        success = false;


        osd_printf_error("Direct3D Error: Your graphics card does not fully support non-power-of-two\n");
        success = false;

    if (caps.TextureCaps & D3DPTEXTURECAPS_POW2)
        osd_printf_error("Direct3D Error: Your graphics card does not support non-power-of-two textures.\n");
        success = false;
    if (caps.TextureCaps & D3DPTEXTURECAPS_SQUAREONLY)
        osd_printf_error("Direct3D Error: Your graphics card does not support non-square textures.\n");
        success = false;

Con ese cambio, compila tu propio ejecutable de MAME o busca a alguien que lo haga por ti.



(11 replies, posted in Discussion)

Have you actually installed any resolutions, specifically 320x240? Does Arcade OSD show it in its list?


(2 replies, posted in Support)

Hi 002,

Test Mode is required both for installing patched drivers and for Windows to load them afterwards.

There's no side effect caused by Test Mode aside from the ugly watermark.


(11 replies, posted in En español)

No tiene que ver. El JPAC se enciende cuando enciendes el ordenador y recibe alimentación del usb. Pierde sincronismo por un problema propio del JPAC que es bien conocido, lo verás si buscas un poco. No es que el tuyo sea defectuoso, pasa con todos. Con los originales fabricados allá por 2007 no pasaba.

Hay un "mod" que parece solucionarlo: … msg1596613

Yo acabo de hacerlo, y de momento no me ha vuelto a fallar.


(11 replies, posted in En español)

xa2er wrote:

Sí, efectivamete. Mediante un JPAC. ¿Tiene algo que ver?


Cuando pierdas la sincronía, mira el JPAC y verás seguramente que el led correspondiente está apagado. Si es así, desconecta el usb por el que se alimenta el JPAC y lo vuelves a conectar. Verás como vuelve a sincronizar.


(11 replies, posted in En español)

¿Cómo tienes conectado el monitor a la tarjeta? ¿A través de un JPAC?


(11 replies, posted in En español)

Pero, si simplemente tocas el potenciómetro Hfreq, ¿se llega a estabilizar la imagen? Hablo del Hfreq, solamente, ojo.


(11 replies, posted in En español)

Seguramente tengas que tocar ligeramente el potenciómetro Hfreq.


(9 replies, posted in En español)

xa2er wrote:

Tuvo que ser algún problema del driver probablemente...

Coño, ya me la he cargado yo :)

xa2er wrote:

Una útlima consulta. Hay forma de duplicar la salida para que del VGA salga la señal al monitor arcade, y del HDMI por ejemplo a un monitor LCD al mismo tiempo?

Sin problema. Como siempre y con cualquier tarjeta, eso se hace desde el cuadro de diálogo "Propiedades de pantalla" de Windows. Duplicas el escritorio, etc.


(9 replies, posted in En español)

Pues Direct3D tiene que funcionar. Pon un log y podremos ayudarte:

groovymame.exe juego -v >juego.txt


(9 replies, posted in En español)

Mira la configuración del monitor en mame.ini. Debe de estar mal.


(9 replies, posted in En español)

En VMMaker, marca la opción de exportar configuración a GroovyMAME.


(5 replies, posted in En español)

Hola eldiego,

No hay fallo con la 6450. Hay fallo en la conexión que realizas desde la salida de la tarjeta a la entrada del monitor. El hecho de que con un monitor diferente ocurra lo mismo refuerza esta hipótesis.


(5 replies, posted in Support)

No, I meant you shouldn't flash at all!

Just install CRT Emudriver.


(5 replies, posted in En español)

Hola eldiego,

No puedes unir y luego separar los cables. Si los sacas unidos desde la vga, tienen que llegar unidos al chasis, normalmente al pin h-sync (que en ese caso aceptaría c-sync, compruébalo en el manual del chasis). Si por el contrario los sacas separados, tienen que llegar separados al chasis.

Comprueba el manual, mira sobre todo el tema de polaridades. Normalmente los monitores arcade funcionan con polaridad negativa, fíjate si el tuyo es así. A veces tienen unos jumpers para conmutar la polaridad de negativa a positiva.

Desde VMMaker/Arcade OSD también puedes controlar la polaridad. Tienes que hacer que coincida la polaridad que sacas con VMMaker con la que espera el monitor.


(5 replies, posted in Support)

Thanks cubelindo,

I'm really interested in seeing how the installation goes on an APU. To be honest I expected more people would have tried this already, happy to see finally someone exploring this possibility.

With regards to flashing your APU, I believe it's not possible to use ATOM-15-modified bios for this. I'd say the VBIOS is not separate as it is in discrete GPUs.

You're welcome. Tell us how it goes.

Yes, it is possible. It was implied in my reply by the way.

electro_pagoda wrote:

I intend to connect a pc to a CRT television set which has SCART input. I intend to use an
In short, can a single graphics card support multiple signal frequencies?

The answer is yes (that's a frequently asked question).

The idea is simple: you can add custom video modes to your card, each of them at any random frequency. All these modes will be available for you to choose at any time. It's up to you to configure each connector to use any or those modes (VGA->15 kHz, HDMI->31-or-whatever kHz, etc.)

Your HD 4xxx is supported and will run on W7-64 bits.